Monday, 17 August 2009

AuVest WOD 8/18/2009

5 rounds for time:
5 sumo deadlift high pulls (135#/95#)
10 burpees

Burpees are chest and thighs to ground, clap overhead fully vertical with hips open.

Post time to comments.


  1. put my vest in the back pack again for this one

    60kg sdhp / 10kg back pack

    time 8mins 23secs

  2. Hey. Just to let you guys know what's up, I reaggravated a preexisting ankle injury, so I haven't been able to follow the WODs for the past cycle. But I'll be back at it soon.

  3. Felt good today. Finally got to train with a real vest!!
    as rx'd-4:58

    Push Press

  4. Okay, I'm in a bind and way behind and willing to make a deal . . .

    Actually last week was a planned rest/low volume week so I ended up slagging off on a full week o' wods.

    I'll be clawing my way back through.

    Did the pullup/box jump wod, dropped the top set, so I'd come in somewhere south of 9 minutes and that's what I did . . . since I had a timer malfunction (oh, the timer works fine . . . I'm the malfunction.

    In the AM did 3x5 deadlifts 215-235-255(pr) then a high rep finisher set 15-12-9 @185. that kinda sucked.
