Friday, 21 August 2009

AuVest WOD 8/22/2009

5 rounds for time:
10 swings, 70#/50#
10 weighted situps, 25#/15#

Post time to comments.


  1. So wear the vest, then grab 25lb plate? Can we anchor our feet?

  2. Okay, Saturday, rest day . . . Sunday?

    Anyway, I went off the reservation, but I owed this workout without a vest to some friends (lost a bet) and so I did it with the vest to make up for being late in making it up:

    2 muscle ups (jumping 'cause of the vest)
    10 burpees

    10 rft = 19:33

  3. I went with patrick here and assumed you meant SU with vest and some more weight :D.

    As Rxd - 6:50

    Lost time on dumbell swings again, at 82kg those 31kg dumbells don't move easily for me......yet.

  4. Okay, did this one today, with 55lb bell, no 70s around here.

    But 25lbs on the situps.

